
Showing posts from December, 2018

My Technology filled life

My Experience With Technology I’ve had an interesting in all things Tech from a very young age. I remember being 5 years old mad that I couldn’t connect to internet when using the home computer, even though I’ve never used it. I just knew at the end of commercials it said to visit this website. Even though I was constantly told we don’t have internet service, I tried to type in the address in AOL (lol) and other crazy attempts to connect. Clicking around learning the menu, settings, it didn’t really have many games; windows 95 didn’t come with much other than minesweeper and paint. Not being interested much in paint learning about the PC because just something I did. Growing older maybe 8, I wanted to know what the hell makes this grey dusty box function, So I stood in my room shining a flashlight into the side looking into the airholes, trying to see what’s inside. While I didn’t continue to figure out we’re immediately I was interested, it was hard, no internet!           

Sensitive Information

Sensitive Information      Given my interest in Image Stenography, the interest in transmitting sensitive information comes as well. Journalists around the world  get killed over knowing / finding out sensitive information. The Idea is crazy. I found a website related to tracking these deaths In my other classes + my final project was on Image Stenography.  Im releasing the app open sourced, maybe more people would find the topic interesting. I was recently given contribute status on a steg Lib on github. I from my research of the creator. I believe hes part of a android dev team in India. Which India has been pretty bold in trying to control and sensor its residents . Even shutting off the internet :O Contributing to this app, while I dought could "save" anyone, Could help people communicate sensitive information

Connecting People