Self Driving Cars

Self Driving Cars: The Good

        Self driving cars promise an exciting future for us, that personally I'm excited for because I hate to drive, especially in Toronto. The idea of being able to just call your car to pick up and take you home sounds noting less of perfect. No more worries about if your journey home will be safe, no more worry about drunk drivers, all thanks to driving AI.

   If we we're able to just call out car to pick us up, wouldn't we change the way our cities out built? Parking is really not needed to the scale we have today, parking takes up large portions of land that could be used for much better things. With parking not needed we could expect costs of items especially at the grocery store where large parking lots are currently needed.
  --More on parking( )

   Since autonomy will allow people to call cars to come get them, car sharing programs will become more popular. The cost of these more complex machines will be more pasted off onto sharing companies, in which services these renter consumers.

   Traveling will be more safe, getting places can happen at a higher rate of speed reducing travel times all round. With the increased safety less pressure will be put onto first responders and other emergency services; who spend a lot of times on accidents currently.

All these possibilities are great and I really hope they happen in my lifetime. The tech has been around alot longer then I thought,  Vice news did a great video explaining a small intro summery into self-driving cars

Jennifer Keesmaat - Running for Mayor - explains the city benifit in this video quite well.

Concerns of Self Driving Cars


   - High costs of the Vehicles
   - Security of the cars
   - Mix of drivers will cause issues
   - Elimination of the transportation sector
   - Weather issues effecting the sensors
   - Power outages to the signal network
   - Trying to Drive in areas where gps is not present
   - Having to trust the car.

Broken Down

- Security of the Cars

   Even today our cars have a surplus of technology inside them. Most of which are super beneficial however this new tech opens our cars up to being exploited more easily. 

A good example is a video on the Motherboard channel 

   They show that car hacking is very doable. With the world of AI coming up, we need to worry about people who would want to exploit that.

- Elimination of the Transport Sector

   The transport sector which could be at risk because of this AI, employs large numbers of low skilled workers. Workers in-which in a world where AI is becoming more dominate will find it harder and harder to find jobs. Im really not sure what is going to happen in the future in terms of these jobs.

- Power outages to the signal network

   How would a self driving car know to go forward when the signal network for the traffic lights are out? A human could still navigate with police gesturing traffic. With these new non-steering wheel cars Im concerned there may be some big issues


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